15 Aristeidou St., 18122 Korydallos, Athens, Greece
Monday - Wednesday - Saturday: 10:00 - 15:00
Tuesday - Thursday - Friday: 10:00 - 14:00 & 17:30 - 21:00

Product Returns

Return Policy

You can return your order or part thereof within 14 days from the date you received it. In this case, please fill in the return form found in the package. The form indicates in detail all the information you need to fill in, so that we can provide you with the best service possible.

When returning your order or part thereof, you have three alternative options:

  • Product Replacement: In this case, we can replace the product that may be or that may have been deemed defective (same code), whether it has been sent to you or the wrong size has been chosen (“Replacement” option in the Return Form).
  • Credit: In this case, the value of the returned product is credited to your account in our e-shop, so that you can use it in your future purchases. The crediting will take place within three days from the date when the products are received at our warehouses (“Credit” option in the Return Form).
  • Refund: In this case, you will get a refund in the bank account you provided or the credit card you used to pay, within 14 calendar days from the date when we received the returned product (“Refund” option in the Return Form).

* In the event that replacement is not possible due to unavailability of the requested product, we will contact you to offer other alternative solutions.

You are obliged to send back the product in the good condition in which you received it, i.e. without having damaged the packaging and by confirming that the product’s special markings have not been removed (tags, labels). Moreover, you must include the retail sale receipt at the same time as submitting the return form. Returns will be accepted only upon the company’s approval.

For returns within Greece, we receive the product within 1-2 working days from the moment you send it. Upon receiving the product, we will process your request immediately and we will notify you via e-mail on the relevant processing procedure. All returned products have to undergo a thorough quality check. Finally, please note that, in the event of product returns, shipping costs are borne by the customer.

The products to be returned must be sent exclusively to the following address: Verioti.gr 15 Aristeidou St., Korydallos, P.C. 18122 Telephone: (+30) 210-4962620

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